Aspirations directly impact your Sim's personality and lifestyle, although it can be changed later on if you want to shift your focus. On the other hand, if you went with the Knowledge aspiration, your Sim would have the ability to build all their skills at a faster rate.

For example, the Fortune aspiration comes with a bonus trait of being Business Savvy, and this allows your Sim to earn more money from his or her career choices. In addition, each aspiration comes with a bonus trait that will give your Sim certain advantages over the others. We touched on aspirations above, but to break it down further, these are goals that your Sim will work towards, and depending on the Sim you create, there are several options. To get the complete rundown, check out our Official Strategy Guide.

Choose your Sim's age carefully, or you might find that you don't have the time required to fulfill all their hopes and dreams. The most freedom to choose will come from the adults, who will have a wide variety of options and the time required to see them through. The elderly will have lots of aspirations, but less time to complete them. For example, children and teens will only have school for a career option, and receive fewer choices for their aspirations. That's where things begin with the Create-a-Sim feature, choosing your age, gender and race, the most important being your age since that has an impact on your aspirations and traits. Below it, you can pick your Sim's aspiration along with the 3 traits.In The Sims 4, you can create anyone you want, from children to the elderly, selecting your gender and race as you see fit. At the top left of your screen is where you name your Sim. The base game comes with over 40 hairstyles for male and female Sims. There is still the Everyday, Formal, Sleepwear and Athletic outfits, but they've added in a Party outfits section, and for the first time in any of The Sims games, you can now customize the maternity wear, mod free! You can only pick 3 traits now, but the aspiration you pick contains a hidden trait. There are 5 life-stages (Child, Teenager, Young Adult, Adult and Elder).

Don't worry, if you can't get the right shape, there are still pre-made faces/facial features to use. Instead of picking faces, noses, eye shapes, etc from a menu, you now use your mouse to drag these features, so it is so much easier to create Taylor Swift, or any of your other favourite celebrities. The Create-A-Sim in The Sims 4 has changed A Lot. There is a Create-A-Sim demo, but that does not contain all the items inside the game for Create-A-Sim